
I'd like your thoughts

So I had a friend.  I trusted her & felt comfy & joious with her in my life & received an email "break up" note from her at 0124 Friday.  Apparently she's been nursing awkwardness & bitterness towards me since I (per her request) found out why things are so jacked up between her and another friend.  Apparently the fact that I see a different side of things and offered her that viewpoint & despite the fact that she acted like she accepted it at the time, she is unhappy about it.  I've felt no awkwardness, but then I've been upfront and honest about how I saw things, so I can see how that can be a problem.  She has made it abundantly clear in said note that she would like to resume a friendship when & if it is convenient for her.  My response to her note consisted of "ummm ok" accepting that I do not want to be friends with her if she is clearly not emotionally invested in it.  I'm not all about stalking/pursuing a friendship with someone who is willing to now & will in the future disrespect me in such a manner.  Not a phone call, not a word the last time I saw her, apparently lying excuses left for me for the lsat week or so as she couldn't be bothered to take my calls, all of which I totally bought.  I had no idea she was harboring all of this.  Since receiving the note I've been busy (obviously) and haven't really sat down to process til tonight.  I'm cutting all traces of her from my life cyber or otherwise.  A very strange sense from me but if my friendship, love, and trust are worth so little then fuck it.  If my support & affection is worth so little then I want nothing to do with her.  Perhaps this is me being extreme but fuck it.  I'm worth more than that and treating me in this manner is simply unacceptable.  

So yeah - tell me what you think - I'll be deleting.


Jules said...

So we're in Junior High...

Jezcabelle said...

Yes, thank you -I'm so damned wrapped up in work that this felt like something i should be fighting for a minute there.

Anonymous said...

One of the many things that you & I have in common is the ability to see both sides to almost any story. It's one of the things that makes us who we are. It's also why people seek our opinions & advice. Those who cannot contemplate that there might be an alternate view to their own are doomed to lose such great friends when they ask for honesty and don't like what they hear. (How's that for a run-on sentence?) My point being (yes, there's a point) FUCK HER! You are not over-reacting, you don't deserve to be treated that way as a friend. I have lost friends before due to their selfishness, and I can be a very forgiving person, almost to a fault. One of the numerous reasons to ask YOUR opinion is we know it will always be honest & fair. As if you don't have enough shit going on in your life, she tries to involve you in even more drama? I agree with Jules, she needs to grow the fuck up.

**P.S. - Should we go to the R&R HOF concert since our boys will be inducted this year?? I know it's pricey but how often does this kind of thing come around? Once in a lifetime?

Jezcabelle said...

& that is why I heart u.

yes i kinda wanna see our bois - lordie how much I love them.

- Miss you

Anonymous said...

I'll keep my eyes open for tix, miss you too.