
Dolphins Fucking on Indian Time

Dolphins have sex facing eachother, they also have sex for pleasure - but have you ever watched footage of them having sex? They sort of swim at eachother & then are intimate then away again & back again in these fantastic dances in the water from away to utterly intimate in a dance to music only they can hear.
Indian Time - is a direct reference to Billy Jack - "he's on Indian Time, he's always there when you need him..."
Some relationships are like that for me - deeply intimate - not physically intimate, more emotionally, mentally intimate, depending only on eachother out of the blue - right when we need eachother most. I thought I had written this up at some point - I am rewriting it because I cannot find that - grr arrrgh...


Indychick said...

Wow, should have read this one before commenting on the last one. There are some days that I wish I just had the OPPORTUNITY to HUG my close friends for an hour. But, I know that I could drive to Land of Cleve & get a 1 hour hug if I really needed it.

Here is your imaginary 1 hr hug (SQUEEEEEEEEZZZZEEEE) Love you, & hope to see you soon...GENCON is first wk of August, & we have that new Kurt V. museum...

Anonymous said...

I'm so in love with your underwater goddesss picture I would love to know the background of it and all the little details please email me

Jezcabelle said...

I would love to give you all the details but it was a random picture found on the nets, I don't even know the artist. I would love to know more about it as well.