
I am at work -

I am blogging from work - I am bored out of my skull
there is nothing left to do - well nothing to do but the closing things which will take me less than 15 mins to set up adn do which is nothing on the 2 hrs that I have left here. 2 more freaking hours at an office that isn't mine, behind a desk I hate being behind waiting for the damned clock to run out. I HATE THIS - just in case you missed it. It is not the end of the world - I know this, it is not even the worst case scenario. I just hate it. I am subbing in for LongTall Kate - who has secured a new job (YAY!!!) - I am so happy for her. On the other hand, and oh yes there is always another hand, I am sitting here with nothing to do but wait. I have played Zuma on my phone to the 2 battery bar line. I am bored of playing Freecell. So here I am complaining to anyone who will listen - there are no headset jacks and my neck is sore. I am ready to fall asleep any minute now if the phone would stop ringing - I can't call any insurance verifications 2ยบ to the insurance lines being closed. my wrists hurt from the shitty set up for the desk. I HATE THIS PLACE.

Just thought I'd let you know.

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