

Drama is the unnecessary creation, prolongation, and/or spreading of conflict and strife.
Monger is a dealer in a specific commodity promoting something undesirable or discreditable.

 Drama-Mongers - people who deal in the unnecessary creation, prolongation, and/or spreading of conflict and strife.

This past year I have found myself surrounded by people like this.  People who delight in the pain others are feeling, perhaps an overdeveloped sense of schadenfreude.  I reserve the schadenfreude for people I actively dislike, or people I actively don't care about.  Drama-Mongers apply this to people they call friends.  Laughing with delight every time they find out someone is hurting.  They have looked me in the eye and asked again and again about dramas going on in the community.  It took a while to realize that they weren't asking to help people, to get involved, to make things better, because they cared about people who were hurting.  They only asked because they want to be the center of attention the center of their own private dramamills, to peddle their newfound knowledge to others. 

This is not to mistake them for people actively seeking to manipulate me.  There has been plenty of those.  From people stepping in between my ex-partner and I to forward their own agendas, to people using friendship of many years to get me to believe the lies they tell me even as they contradict themselves when they think I am not in the room. 

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