
ok ok ok ok ok

So Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip has not been a booming success. I still love Josh, and Chandler has been wonderful. The cast over all has done e good job with everything they were given. The downside is of course that as soon as it has become reeeeally good - it has been cancelled. Of course the reason it is good is that it has returned to a very West Wing style and themes. I am crying watching Josh look at his almost daughter and in joi at the brilliant performance, and all I can think is - "West Wing".

I hope Sorkin gets another series. I hope some of the same players stay for it. I hope it is complicated and real enough to get to the meat of the matter fast enough to really be given the opportunity to grow and expand into a new dynasty.

I'm just sayin...


Anonymous said...

I am so mad at NBC, & if I wasn't addicted to Heroes as well, I would stop watching NBC alltogether. L & O fixes can be aquired via TNT, USA, & BRAVO. Incidently, Did you notice that the title of the first season finale on all Aaron Sorkin shows were the same? Sports Night, West Wing & Studio 60 all concluded their 1st season with "What kind of day has it been?" MISS YOU!

Jezcabelle said...

Of course they end the same - Aaron is nothing if not a creature of habit, and it suits the shows every time perfectly.

Miss u too.